We’d like to wrap up the month of March, Women’s History Month, by acknowledging the essential role played by woman of so many different backgrounds that come together to create a space for growth and opportunity for all.
This time, Maria Paula, our lab manager and advocate for women’s rights, expresses her thoughts about the coffee industry and how women have supported it in every facet. And from another angle, Marianela, one of our founders, appreciates the support given to her by male and female peers alike.
Maria Paula writes:
“En este mes de la mujer queremos conmemorar, pero sobre todo agradecer y visibilizar el arduo trabajo de las mujeres en la cadena de valor del café y cómo día a día esta se va fortaleciendo gracias a ellas.
*During this month, celebrating women, we not only want to commemorate them, but above all we want to show our appreciation and shed light on the difficult work that women put into the coffee value chain and the strength they add to it every single day.
En todo el mundo el papel de la mujer en el café ha sido crucial e imprescindible, en los últimos años la mujer ha tomado un rol prioritario en esta industria debido a la especialización que se ha dado poco a poco en todos los ámbitos como el productivo, de comercialización así como tueste y barismo, creando así una cadena fuerte de intercambio de conocimiento pero sobre todo de empoderamiento que permite abrir camino para muchas mujeres de todas las edades de aventurarse en este mundo tan interesante.
*All over the world, the role of women in coffee has been historically crucial and essential. In the past few years women have slowly, slowly taken a prime role in the industry by specializing at each level of the coffee supply chain ie trading, roasting, and brewing. In this way, we have succeeded in creating a strong chain for sharing of expertise between us women which results in an empowerment that opens a path for a lot of women of all walks of life to explore a world that is so interesting to so many of us.
Sigue siendo un punto importante seguir fomentando liderazgos en las mujeres de todas las edades y el apoyo entre nosotras es primordial para mejorar cada vez más y hacer el mundo del café un lugar mejor.
*I continue to feel that a point of importance is to keep forming women leaders from all walks of life and to keep supporting each other in order to uplift us all. This is of the utmost importance in order to persistently improve over time and make the world of coffee a place for all women.
Cada vez resulta más emocionante ver como más mujeres se unen, derriban sus miedos y barreras y emprenden sus propios proyectos para muchas veces dar sustento a su propia familia o para seguir su pasión y sobretodo el legado familiar que muchos tenemos presente por este grano de oro.
*When we see that women continue to unite it gets more and more exciting. Knocking down their fears, barriers, and taking on their own projects - in many cases to provide sustainability to their own families, to follow their passion, and/or to continue the family legacy that many of us have for this golden grain.
Es admirable ver como las mujeres van eliminando brechas sociales, persiguiendo cada vez más sus propios sueños y realizándose de la manera más exitosa posible.
*It’s so admirable to see women eliminating social barriers, following their own dreams, and realizing it in the most successful way possible.
Es necesario apoyarnos entre nosotras mismas, creando una cadena fuerte donde podamos ir creciendo y aprendiendo y así uniendo esfuerzos para lograr superar todos los retos que el café contiene día a día
*It’s necessary to help ourselves within the community of women. Creating a chain that is strong where we can grow, learn, and unite our power in order to overcome all of the challenges that coffee has always had.
Por eso desde el equipo de Selva Coffee que es conformado desde la parte femenina por Marianela y Maria Paula, así como por muchísimas productoras cafetaleras y tostadoras que trabajan de nuestra mano, queremos ser inspiración y apoyo para todas esas mujeres que aman el café tanto como nosotras e instarlas siempre a dedicarse a lo que les apasione.
*For that reason, Selva Coffee which is formed partly by women, Marianela and Maria Paula, as well as all the producers, growers, roasters, and retailers that all work hand in hand - we want to be an inspiration and support system for all women that love coffee the same way that we do and always encourage them to dedicate themselves to what we are passionate about.”
Marianela states:
“As a women I always felt very supported by the men around me - starting with my father, he has always pushed me to pursue my dreams and be a leader in the coffee industry in my community.
It’s not a secret that the coffee industry is lead by men. I’m very lucky and grateful to live in a country and community that supports me and gives me the same rights than men. In my job I interact every day with men and women and it’s very gratifying for me to represent them through their work and coffees around the world.
I admire the women in the coffee industry - that despite all the challenges and limits they’ve had are doing an amazing job! I feel that sometimes we are making a mistake by naming the coffees only with the farmer’s name, which is usually a male. Behind every coffee producer there are hard working women, wives that are working at home and ensuring the family and business are running smoothly.